Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FAQ: Questions and Answers

Qustion: 1. Do you regret ever leaving the tower you were put in?
Answer: No of course not i just wish my son Icarus would have listened to me.

Question: 2. Why did you kill youre cousin?
Answer: Because i did not whant him to pass me in the creation of new technology and architecture.

Question: 3. Was the wings made of wax and feathers youre createst creation?
Answer: Yes I would have to say that they were because they were one of my most creative and usefull inventions that I used myself to get me and my son Icarus out of the tower.

Question: 4. Today will you ever tell anyone about the secret of the Labyrinth?
Answer:  Heck no!!! I dont whant that Minataur coming after me for putting him in that place.

Qustion: 5. Do you miss your son Icarus?
Answer: Yes I miss him so much to the point were I wish i had never created those wings in the first place. i would rather be traped in that tower with him rather than him being dead.

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