Wednesday, October 27, 2010

About Me

Hello my name is Daedalus from Athens and Iam an iventor and architect. I work for many types of people from lower class to the king who Iam currently constructing a Labyrinth or maze. Iam building on the Kings request to keep a horrible monster inside called the Minotaur. My job is to make this maze a difficult to navigate as possible so no one can find there way around. I also have a son named Icarus.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FAQ: Questions and Answers

Qustion: 1. Do you regret ever leaving the tower you were put in?
Answer: No of course not i just wish my son Icarus would have listened to me.

Question: 2. Why did you kill youre cousin?
Answer: Because i did not whant him to pass me in the creation of new technology and architecture.

Question: 3. Was the wings made of wax and feathers youre createst creation?
Answer: Yes I would have to say that they were because they were one of my most creative and usefull inventions that I used myself to get me and my son Icarus out of the tower.

Question: 4. Today will you ever tell anyone about the secret of the Labyrinth?
Answer:  Heck no!!! I dont whant that Minataur coming after me for putting him in that place.

Qustion: 5. Do you miss your son Icarus?
Answer: Yes I miss him so much to the point were I wish i had never created those wings in the first place. i would rather be traped in that tower with him rather than him being dead.

Today was a great day for flying

Today is a perfect day for flying and I have told my son to be very carefull while flying. I have just told him not to get to close to sun or the wax on his wings will melt but also not to get to close to the sea or he might fall in. But as most kids are they get bored easily and Icarus whent flying around to high and the sun melted the wax on his feathers so he fell into the ocean. I spent hours looking for his body but when I found him it was much to late and couldnt do anything but sadly burry him.

I think I may have found a way out of this place

The other day I was watching birds fly by my window and I thought of how free they were. This is when I have came up with this great idea to make wings for me and my son Icarus to fly out of here on. I am making these wings from bird feathers I found near the window and candle wax to tie each feather together. We will get a good nights sleep tonight and be ready in the morning. I am confident this will work very well.

Very unhappy

King Minos is so concerned about my secret spreding about the labyrinth that he has locked me and my son Icarus up in the tallest tower alone. This is the worst day of my life I cant beleive this has happend I thought this would be the greatest job in the world working for the king but I guess not. I really need to find a way out of this place. Good thing I am so creative.

Long hard work finally finished

Today I finally finished my first task for King minos of building a Labyrinth. The reason for me building this was to keep the Minotaur monster trapped inside of this maze so it couldnt get out and also so no one could get it out. I am the only one who knows there way around this maze because I built it. King Minos seems very happy with waht I have acomlished so far.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Building For The king

Today I was expelled from Athens becuse I killed my nephew. The reason for me doing so was because he was surpassing me in inventive geniuos, I couldnt have let that happen. I wondered my way toward the city of Crete were I found a great job working for the royal family. I am very excited to show him my creative genioius! Im confident he will be very happy with my work.